Watt? & Hay!
“Watt ? & Hay! Hope this duo does a lot more…they are awesome and joyful musicians.”
– Chris Lunn, Editor of Ancient Victories

I have the exquisite pleasure of performing as a duo with my good friend Tom Russell.
A well loved musical giant of the northwest music scene Tom has delighted audiences with his brilliant, soulful expressions on the clarinet, flute, and baritone sax for over 40 years. Toms’ playful, comedic stage presence has brought joy to thousands.
As “Watt? & Hay!” we play some of our favorites, we improvise, and we have infectious fun.
Watt? & Hay! – “I Ain’t Got Nothing But the Blues”
Watt? & Hay! – “Sunny”
Watt? & Hay! – “Hay!, Watt? “